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Innovate. The game.


Do I need to have a four year degree?

No. We also prioritize placing nontraditional programmers who are either self-taught, or have certification. 

How do I show my body of work?

We accept programming portfolios as well as past projects. 

How do I apply?

Simply click any of the icons above or go to our contact page here, fill out your basic info, and we will reach out to contact you for jobs that fit your skills and experience.

How do you help me?

After you send us your info and resume we begin the process to screen you. We will then interview you to know more about you, what your dreams are and where you would like to take your career. You can also ask us any questions at anytime. We will then start the process to find you a great fit that works best with your strengths, preferences, or any area of your craft you would like to grow in. Chances are, someone needs what you can offer.

Interested? Select an icon to start the process.

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